
Displaying 22276 to 22300 of 32859 Comments
[+] Anthony Royster on STATE, DOTD v. ESTATE OF JACQUOT
My family here in Lake Charles,Louisiana are seriously concerned about the estate of James Gauthier in which we are part heirs and have yet to receive information on the succession and sale if the estate.
[+] Paul LaCross on U.S. v. LINDSAY
Hello mr Barker my name is Paul and I own one of Mr Lindsay's vehicles. I purchased it from Ross Chevrolet in sept of 87. Thank you for caring for our veterans! If you know anything about his 1970 Boss 302. I have researched the car and it is one of two made. It was red and black. Thank you Paul LaCross
[+] LaVernon Thomas on ROBERTS v. BLUE WORLD POOLS, INC.
The same thing happened to me with blue Whirlpool was misrepresented I'm now paying $100,000 for a pool that they told me was going to call $299 I've been paying for the pool now for 2 years and I'm overwhelmed it was anything I can do to see if anybody can help me with this pool they hang up on me they don't talk to me they don't repair the pool I called and they rude to me and I'm still paying the bill once a month I need help from someone
[+] Connie Miller on ZYBURO v. NCSPLUS, INC.
Both checks have been less than 10 dollars but, as stated in the above text, each violation is subject to 500-1500 dollars.
This case was filed on Aug 3,2016. There was no order dated August. 10,2010 , the Judge. Please correct the error on this page. Futhermore, the Judge refused to prosecute I fill out the US Marshal for the parties to get arrested this cause should be open there have not been a pretrial I was falsely Arrested by State Trooper. Colbert.
Facts missed are New Centry a bankrupt company did not have authority to assign the note and mortgage only the bankruptcy court did and was not the assigning party. The original note was never produced only a copy with vault markings from us bank vault was produced! The home was sold at sheriff sale to get US Bank in 2009 then again that n 2016. The foreclosure began when New Centry claimed they lost 2 payments and refused to accept payments in order to foreclose .
[+] Larry Galloway on RUBIO-DELGADO v. AEROTEK, INC.
Do I send a postcard or not,and will I receive a settlement check and when, with or without a postcard, thanks for your time.
I'm interested in filing a suit against Lincoln Financial for misrepresenting information to my mother who purchased the UltraSpan 2001 back in 1992 for my grandmother whose DOB is 12/8/1928. I believe that my mother was sold a faulty policy that was not the in best of her or my grandmother the insured. The monthly premiums are now over 1100.00. I just need help with who to reach out to for legal action pursuit. Thank you for your help.
[+] Tommy Peddington on VAVILOVA v. RIMOCZI
Indeed! Glad to see that the court considers facts pertinent to this case. Additionally which was not addressed that the complainant was given two (2) opportunity to become naturalized but refused to do so. Why? One can only speculate but clearly the provisions of INS I-134 form plays a role here. A calculated refusal of an alien resident not to become a citizen simply to benefit from a "required" form by the INS is indeed MALICIOUS and CALCULATED. No law of the United States should allow someone to benefit from such action especially when there was a "generous" distribution of assets at divorce after only 4 years of marriage (actually 3 years extended by 1 year of lengthy divorce haggling and backlogged court dockets from which the plaintiff above benefited).
[+] andrew costella jr, esq. on SMITH v. STATE
A most excellent ruling. Do you have any other info concerning this court decision? Thank you!
Defendant Golden Nugget Lake Charles Casino failed to respond discoveries two months past due. Plaintiff Chhim wants to file the sanction against Defendant. The case is employment discrimination because of race,national origin,and age .
[+] Mervyn Gray on U.S. v. ARRINGTON
I am a past victim of Amy and I would finally like to see justice served.. She needs the maximum sentence for these offenses this time because it's apparent she is no learning her lesson!!
my mother patsy shimic was dying of lung cancer at the age of 75 with a shit bag on the side of her stomach and went to Denver Colorado for surgery at the return back to her one bed-room hud apartment she was kick out while under the American disability act and the undue stress killed my mother for a profit of c.m.t song writers and singers if you look up little big town video better man then our my horses and now my life is a song a violation of my 4th amendment of privacy all over the greed of oil on our ranch by the N.S.A government which our ranch has a m/x misselo silo and a chemical to wash down the war heads has destroyed our ground water wyo man save dog life on the internet was a great story of me and my mother now it is a story of greed and my lab-dogs our also on c.m.t videos I was set up by taylor swift and miley cyrus and z-b crabtree which she past away on the date june 5/2016 of whiskey liver disease I was hit in the face by a bottle and it cut my face by z-b crabtree .
I had a stop by the same officer and was arrested for dwi, he sent my car straight to forfeiture and charged me with refusal of blood and would not except my urine. I was tested at the jail and was a clean result for all substances and alcohol also. I am a female and was searched with poskets emptied and everything at the scene. The original stop was for crossing the fog line to make a right hand turn into my driveway, the officer continuously lied in his report and made unprofessional comments during the stop and the field sobriety test. I have requested to speak with his Lt and am awaiting the call on monday I am a Psychology student in an accelerated Masters Program to work in the field of Addictions an Behavioral Disorders. I am also a mentioned member of the National Scholars association and hold my studies in the highest regard. Internal Affairs review of personal conduct and policies and procedures should be conducted at the public's request. Julie.B
[+] Charles Story on MATTOX v. STATE
What a memory! I was living with my new wife in a tiny trailer on hwy 82 West. I got up early to go to the library to study. I could hear the sirens blaring, and a great glow in the sky at the school. On the drive up Main Street, I could see a great fire was burning on campus. I was awe-struck by the scene as I looked for a spot to park. Parked and walked past Magruder and around Lee Hall and out onto parade ground. There were stunned students wandering around, and as the sun came up I saw a number of students throwing the ROTC uniforms they had saved back into the fire!!! I rushed back home, got a camera and a roll of film, came back and took several pictures. There wasn't much to see by this time - some pipes sticking up, and a few sections of brick walls remaining; the best example of burned to the ground I have ever seen - my first home at Miss State College GONE! I cried and went back to my wife.
[+] Lisa Burdette on HARNAGE v. STATE
Mr. McWhorter, Linda Faye Croft was my aunt, my Mother's sister. I was about 6 years old when this happened. My family has never discussed it much, but it is my understanding that Mr. Harnage only served about 7 years.
Please keep me informed on the status of this case. Thank You. Lon E. Light
[+] Kathi Zamora on CASSESE v. WASHINGTON MUT., INC.
I filed a claim on 6/11. I did not receive any check nor final notice.
we am interested in the settlement. We are currently divordced and we used the company for the purpose of its use.
This attorney must have a knack for doing try his type thing. Because my s try to daughter called. Us. Crying that she. Now had given this firm 1500 dollars to file bankruptcy five months ago and now. Facing judgement on her pay check after thinking she was safe under protection from. Her attorney so maybe the bar should take a look at her case as well obviously they D IU don't learn from the 2011 case and we will personally like. To say please think about her before you use this firm we shall do. Our part to. See this resolved but. Hopefully save someone else who is desperate for help then gets. Taken by the very ones that she thought would look out for her terrible your firm should be put out of business for good
[+] Andrew Scarlett on STATE v. THOMPSON
... How then, did the Supreme Court not find in Mr. Thompson's favor regarding his lower court win of $14,000,000 in compensation against a corrupt New Orleans DA office? Especially in light of the fact that a full quarter of the DA's cases over an extended period of time proved to be tainted, establishing the very pattern that Sambo Thomas quotes as needing to be established in order for Mr. Thompson to succeed at the SC level. Please, explain this to me so that I may understand. Thank you.
The judge failed to grasp the the substantive premise of the case by not holding ABA liable for being the sole problem to the LSAT issue. It does not matter which entity prepared the test, for it is the ABA that okays it upon review of it. The ABA could advise and take active role in revising the LSAT but it does not. It's obvious that the ABA interests are paramount than any sound testing method and on an equal footing. The ABA's views and method of approaching legal education and thinking is outdated and flawed--similar to many legal professionals (i.e. judges) who think the use of Latin in a legal work makes it intellectually better. But then our educational system, specially law schools and ABA hold thereto, is based on profit mode and status-co.
[+] michael Toro on HAMPTON v. HAMPTON HOLDING CO.
wow, Robert Hampton was the Brother of my paternal great great grandmother Amy Hampton Greene, Married to Richard Greene of stalybridge england
[+] Ronald Williams on GREGORY v. MITCHELL
We as private parties, have just completed service of summons and complaint against the United States of America and the FDIC. This, after having gone through the administrative claims process. The admin claim were responded to by a denial without explanation, and an invitation to sue the USA. The United States Attorney assigned to defend the USA has filed Notice of Appearance of Counsel. All of this is before the DC district of the United States Court. The FDIC did not produce a record or stated a reason - facts or law - why it denied our claims. One of the claims is malfeasance and nonfeasance in office. The FDIC knowingly enabled a bank employee to executed an assignment of our note, while representing the execution to have been authorized by the FDIC's Board of Directors. This would necessarily require the FDIC response to our claims to validate or repudiate FDIC authorization for a bank employee to endorse and assignment in its name. We include 18 U.S.C. 912 and FDIC complicity
[+] Marilyn Matthew-Palmer on HERMAN v. HESS OIL VIRGIN ISLANDS CORP.
RIP Sylvester Matthew