Civil Action No. 3:11-CV-00207-JHM.

ROXANN PIXLER, Plaintiff, v. ANTHONY HUFF, et. al., Defendants.

United States District Court, W.D. Kentucky, Louisville Division.

July 8, 2013.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Roxann Pixler, Plaintiff, represented by Annie O'Connell , O'Connell Law Office, PLLC & Steven R. Romines , Romines Weis & Young, PSC.

Anthony Huff, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Michele Brown, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Sheri Huff, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Anthony Russo, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Danny Pixler, Defendant, Pro Se.

RiverFalls Investments, LLC, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Oxygen Unlimited, LLC, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

River Falls Equities, LLC, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

SDH Realty, Inc., Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

W.A. Huff, LLC, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

The Huff Grandchildren Trust, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

River Falls Financial Services, LLC, Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

RiverFalls Investments, LLC, Counter Claimant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Roxann Pixler, Counter Defendant, represented by Steven R. Romines , Romines Weis & Young, PSC.

River Falls Financial Services, LLC, Counter Claimant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Roxann Pixler, Counter Defendant, represented by Steven R. Romines , Romines Weis & Young, PSC.

Judson Bayard Wagenseller, ThirdParty Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Thomas Bean, Cross Defendant, represented by J. Denis Ogburn , Pence & Ogburn, PLLC.

Michele Brown, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Anthony Huff, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Sheri Huff, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Huff Farm, Inc., Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Oxygen Unlimited, LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

River Falls Equities, LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

River Falls Holdings, LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

RiverFalls Investments, LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Anthony Russo, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

SDH Realty, Inc., Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .

Brian Sly, Cross Defendant, represented by Daniel T. Bernhard , Freeland, Cooper & Foreman LLP & Scott P. Zoppoth , The Zoppoth Law Firm.

The Huff Grandchildren Trust, Cross Defendant, represented by Judson B. Wagenseller .


JOSEPH H. McKINLEY, Jr., Chief District Judge.

This matter is before the Court on motions by Crossclaim Defendants Brian Sly; Anthony Huff; Sheri Huff; Michele Brown; Anthony Russo; Huff Grandchildren's Trust; River Falls Investments LLC; Oxygen Unlimited, LLC; River Falls Holdings, LLC and Huff Farms (Horsebranch) LLC's (collectively "Crossclaim Defendants") to dismiss the cross claim for failure to state...

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