No. 115.

207 U.S. 20 (1907)


Supreme Court of United States.

Decided October 21, 1907.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Mr. David K. Tone and Mr. James Hamilton Lewis, with whom Mr. Edward J. Brundage, Mr. Harry A. Lewis, Mr. William F. Struckmann, Mr. William H. Stead and Mr. George B. Gillespie were on the brief, for appellants.

Mr. William G. Beale for The Chicago Edison Company and The Chicago Telephone Company, with whom Mr. Gilbert E. Porter, Mr. Buell McKeever, Mr. Waldo F. Tobey, Mr. Charles S. Holt and Mr. William P. Sidley were on the briefs; Mr. James F. Meagher for The People's Gas Light and Coke Company; Mr. John P. Wilson for The Chicago City Railway Company. Mr. John S. Miller and Mr. Merritt Starr filed a brief for the South Chicago City Railway Company; Mr. William W. Gurley, Mr. Arthur Dyrenforth, Mr. Isaac M. Jordan and Mr. Howard M. Carter filed a brief for The Chicago Consolidated Traction Company; and Mr. William W. Gurley, Mr. Arthur Dyrenforth and Mr. Howard M. Carter filed a brief for The Chicago Union Traction Company:1

MR. JUSTICE PECKHAM, after making the foregoing statement of facts, delivered the opinion of the court.

The claim that the action of the state board of equalization in making the assessment under consideration was the action of the State, and if carried out would violate the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by taking property of the appellee without due process of law, and by...

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