75 U.S. 318 (____)

8 Wall. 318


Supreme Court of United States.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Messrs. Clough and Wheat, for the appellants, submitted an elaborate brief of Mr. L.B. Wheat, urging with several others, the objections taken by the court to the decree. Mr. Black, contra; a brief of Mr. E. Stillings being filed on the same side.

Mr. Justice SWAYNE stated the case, and delivered the opinion of the court.

This is an appeal in equity. Reyburn is the complainant. Florinda Clark and Few only were made defendants by the original bill. She answered. Few filed a plea and demurred. On the 5th of May, 1862, leave was given to the complainant to amend his bill, and leave was given to Mrs. Clark to withdraw her answer. It had been filed as her answer in a former case, and was refiled in this case. The...

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