No. 49612-7-II.

428 P.3d 1279 (2018)

Jessica WRIGLEY, individually, and as Personal Representative for the Estate of A.C.A., Deceased, and O.K.P., a minor child, and I.T.W., a minor child, by and through their biological mother, Jessica Wrigley, Appellants/Cross-Respondents, v. STATE of Washington; Department of Social & Health Services; Donald Watson & "Jane Doe" Watson, husband and wife, individually and the marital community thereof; Alessandro Larosa & "John Doe" Larosa, husband and wife, individually and the marital community thereof; Rachel Whitney & "John Doe" Whitney, husband and wife, individually and the marital community thereof; Jennifer Gorder & "John Doe" Gorder, husband and wife, individually and the marital community thereof; "John Doe" Social Worker & "Jane Doe" Social Worker, husband and wife individually and the marital community thereof, 1 through 5, Respondents/Cross Appellants.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 2.

Filed October 30, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Gary Alan Preble , Attorney at Law, 2120 State Ave. Ne, Olympia, WA, 98506-6500, for Appellants.

Allison Margaret Croft , Attorney General's Office, 800 Fifth Ave. Ste. 2000, Seattle, WA, 98104-3188, Allyson Zipp , Washington Attorney General's Office, 7141 Cleanwater Ln. Sw, Olympia, WA, 98504-0126, for Respondents /Cross-Appellants.


¶ 1 A.A., a six year old boy, was killed by his father, Anthony Viles, approximately three months after being placed with Viles. A.A.'s mother, Jessica Wrigley, I.W., a minor child, and the Estate of A.A. (collectively the Wrigleys) appeal the trial court's grant of partial summary judgment, which...

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