No. 76310-5-I.

428 P.3d 401 (2018)

STATE of Washington, Washington State Department of Transportation, Respondents, Daniel A. Sligh and Sallettee R. Sligh, individually and the marital community composed thereof; Bryce Kenning, a single person, Plaintiffs, v. MULLEN TRUCKING 2005, LTD., a Canadian corporation or business entity d/b/a Mullen Trucking LP; William Scott and Jane Doe Scott, individually and the marital community composed thereof, Petitioners, and Saxon Energy Services, Inc., Tammy J. Detray and Gregory Detray, individually and the marital community composed thereof; G&T Crawlers Service, a Washington business entity, Defendants. Mullen Trucking 2005, Ltd., a Canadian corporation or business entity d/b/a Mullen Trucking LP; William Scott and Jane Doe Scott, individually and the marital community composed thereof; Petitioners, v. State of Washington, Respondent, Patty Auvil d/b/a Olympic Peninsula Pilot Service and John Doe Auvil, individually and the marital community composed thereof, Defendants, and Motorways Transport, Ltd., a Canadian corporation; Amandeep Sidhu and Jane Doe Sidhu, individually and the marital community composed thereof, Petitioners.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

FILED: October 22, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Steven William Block , Foster Pepper PLLC, 1111 3rd Ave. Ste. 3000, Seattle, WA, 98101-3292, Brian Del Gatto , Attorney at Law, 1010 Washington Blvd. Fl. 8, Stamford, CT, 06901-2202, Aaron Dean , Aaron Dean & Associates, PLLC, 520 Pike St. Ste. 1205, Seattle, WA, 98101-4042, Mark Preston Scheer , Matthew Erickson , Scheer Law Group LLP, 701 Pike St. Ste. 2200, Seattle, WA, 98101-2358, for Appellant.

Richard Steven Puz , Patricia D. Todd , Office of the Attorney General, 7141 Cleanwater Dr. Sw, Po Box 40126, Olympia, WA, 98504-0126, Alicia O. Young , Attorney General's Office, 7141 Cleanwater Dr. Sw, Po Box 40111, Olympia, WA, 98504-0111, for Respondent.

Amanda Emily Vedrich , Carey & Vedrich, 7016 35th Ave. Ne, Seattle, WA, 98115-5917, for Other Parties.


¶ 1 William Scott, a truck driver employed by Mullen Trucking 2005 Ltd. (Mullen), was transporting an over-height load when his truck struck overhead supports on the Skagit River Bridge, causing the bridge to collapse. The Washington State Department of Transportation (State or WSDOT) sued Scott and Mullen...

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