Nos. 45839-0-II, 46079-3-II.

376 P.3d 1158 (2016)

193 Wash.App. 695

The POINTE AT WESTPORT HARBOR HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, a Washington nonprofit corporation, Respondent, v. ENGINEERS NORTHWEST, INC., P.S., a Washington professional services corporation; Theodore D. McDonald and Jane Doe McDonald, husband and wife, and their marital community, Appellants, and Dodson-Duus, LLC, a Washington limited liability company; Harbor Resort Holdings, LLC, a Washington limited liability company; Gabe Duus and Jane Doe Duus, husband and wife, individually and their marital community; Harbor Resort Properties, Inc., a closely-held Washington corporation; Mark Dodson and Desiree Dodson, husband and wife, individually and their marital community; Edward Dodson, Jr. and Ann Grimes-Dodson, husband and wife, individually and their marital community; Doe Affiliates 1-20; Doe Principals 1-10; Doe Declarant Board Members 1-10; Doe Contractors 1-20; Doe Declarant Agents 1-10; Doe Transferees 1-50; Integrity Structures, LLC, a Washington limited liability company; and Corson Swift Builders, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, Defendants.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 2.

May 3, 2016.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Steven George Wraith , Aaron Paul Gilligan , Lee Smart PS Inc., Marilee C. Erickson , Reed McClure , Aloysius Grant Lingg , Christopher A. Matheson , Forsberg & Umlauf PS, Seattle, WA, Barnett N. Kalikow , Kalikow Law Office, Olympia, WA, Michael James Bond , Attorney at Law, Mercer Island, WA, Leonard D. Flanagan , Flanagan Strauss PLLC, Bellevue, WA, for Appellants.

Steven George Wraith , Aaron Paul Gilligan , Lee Smart PS Inc., Justin D. Sudweeks , Stein Sudweeks & Houser PLLC, Daniel Stephen Houser , Stein, Flanagan, Sudweek & Houser, PLLC, Seattle, WA, Leonard D. Flanagan , Flanagan Strauss PLLC, Bellevue, WA, for Respondent.


¶ 1 In these consolidated appeals, structural engineering firm Engineers Northwest Inc. (ENW) challenges several rulings and a judgment entered against it in a lawsuit brought by the homeowners' association (HOA) of The Pointe at Westport Harbor (The...

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