No. 08-20-00163-CV.

622 S.W.3d 612 (2021)

Gloria ZAVALA, f/n/a Gloria Z. Franco, Appellant, v. Apolinar C. FRANCO, Appellee.

Court of Appeals of Texas, El Paso.

April 19, 2021.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT: Lane A. Haygood, Haygood Law Firm, 522 North Grant Ave., Odessa, TX 79761.

ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE: Allen R. Stroder, 6010 Highway 191, Suite 230, Odessa, TX 79762.

Before Rodriguez, C.J., Palafox, and Alley, JJ.


Apolinar C. Franco (Appellee here) filed suit against his former spouse, Gloria Zavala (Appellant here), claiming that she violated the terms of their divorce decree by failing to pay him for his one-half equity interest in their marital homestead upon its sale. He filed a summary judgment...

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