No. 2298 C.D. 2008.

977 A.2d 606 (2009)

In re Appeal of HERITAGE BUILDING GROUP, INC. and Fieldstone Farm of Sladek Road, a trust, from the Decision of the Plumstead Township Zoning Hearing Board. Appeal of Plumstead Township Board of Supervisors.

Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.

Decided July 24, 2009.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jonathan J. Reiss, Perkasie, for appellant.

John A. Van Luvanee, Doylestown, for appellees, Heritage Building Group, Inc. and Fieldstone Farm of Sladek Road, a trust.

BEFORE: SIMPSON, Judge, FRIEDMAN, Senior Judge, and McCLOSKEY, Senior Judge.


Plumstead Township Board of Supervisors (Board) appeals from the November 13, 2008, order of the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County (trial court), which reversed the decision of the Plumstead Township Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) to deny Fieldstone Farm of Sladek Road and its agent, Heritage Building Group, Inc., (together, Heritage) a zoning permit to place twenty-two controlled fill piles on a seventy-three acre tract of land known...

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