No. 105,626.

242 P.3d 509 (2010)

2010 OK 41

Derald AHLSCHLAGER, individual; Shirley Ahlschlager, individual; Clayton Alexander, individual; Barbee Barker, individual; Bill Barker, individual; Cleo Bass, individual; Elbert Bentley, individual; Doyle Blackburn, individual; Jerry Boucher, individual; Mary Boucher, individual; Carolyn Brown, individual; Louetta Cheek, individual; Roma Chenoweth, individual; Edna Dean, individual; Karen Denison, individual; Dianne Dirickson, individual; Henry Dirickson, individual; Catherine Donahue, individual; Eunice Edison, individual; Rundell Edison, individual; Dixie Elder, individual; (Roy) Lynn Erman, individual; Sandra Ewing, individual; Jimmie Fishgrab, individual; Karen Gardner, individual; Jack Green, individual; Rhonda Hankins, individual; Bonny Hartline, individual; David Hill, individual; Ron Honeycutt, individual; Fred Michael Hooper, individual; Rheu Nell Horton, individual; Jeanne Jarvis, individual; Bill Johnson, individual; Howard Johnson, individual; Jo Jean Johnson, individual; Yvonne Johnson, individual; Sue Large, individual; David Lucas, individual; Virginia Luca, individual; Rodney Mastin, individual; Doris McNair, individual; Linda Moon, individual; Neta Morris, individual; Aves Munson, individual; Peggy Myers, individual; Carole Neptune, individual; Larry New, individual; Myrna New, individual; Cynthia Sharron Nichols, individual; Bryan Nunn, individual; Marcia Peppell, individual; Gwendolyn Phelps, individual; Patricia Pricer, individual; Louise Ratcliff, individual; Henry Ray, individual; Janet Ray, individual; Jay Roberts, individual; Loydel Robertson, individual; Kenneth Schraner, individual; Jody (Joanne) Sherry, individual; Zema (Sally) Smiddy, individual; Delton Smith, individual; Howard Smith, individual; Judith Smith, individual; Rosemary Smith, individual; Sharon Smith, individual; Russa Stout, individual; Erma (Ruth) Strickland, individual; Maxie Tenopir, individual; Melvin Tubbs, individual; Betty Tumlinson, individual; Roberta (Butch) Vowell, individual; Imogene Wilkinson, individual; Mary Wilson, individual; Carolyn Youngstredt, individual; and Kenneth Youngstredt, individual, Appellees/Counter-Appellants v. LAWTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 008 OF COMANCHE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, Appellant/Counter-Appellee.

Supreme Court of Oklahoma.

Rehearing Denied September 13, 2010.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Stanley M. Ward , Woodrow K. Glass , Scott F. Brockman , Ward & Glass, LLP, Norman, OK, for Appellees/Counter-Appellants.

Barry K. Roberts , Norman, OK, for Appellees/Counter-Appellants.

Karen L. Long , Jerry A. Richardson , Rosenstein, Fist & Ringold, Tulsa, OK, for Appellant/Counter-Appellee, Lawton School District.

C.E. Wade, Jr. , Wade & Mackey, Lawton, OK, for Appellant/Counter-Appellee, Lawton School District.


¶ 1 The primary issue in this matter is the effect of noncompliance with title 62, section 362 of the Oklahoma Statutes which requires proof of a municipality's or school board's current indebtedness before a judgment may be entered in a suit based on contract. This Court holds that the failure to present proof of actual indebtedness for the fiscal year in which a judgment is entered in a contract action voids such judgment. However, that failure...

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