
2018 NY Slip Op 51162(U)

GMC MERCANTILE CORP., Plaintiff, v. BON WORTH, INC., Defendant.

Supreme Court, New York County.

Decided July 30, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Marc Howard Supcoff, Esq. Law Offices of Marc H. Supcoff, 111 Broadway, Suite 1805 New York, NY 10006, 646-278-9975, Plaintiff's Attorney.

David Adam Robins, Esq. Lipman & Plesuer, LLP, 500 North Broadway, Suite 105 Jericho, NY 11753 516-931-0050, Defendant's Attorney.

The Decision/Order on this motion is as follows:

Bon Worth, Inc. (the Defendant)'s motion for summary judgment dismissing the action is granted solely with respect to the Plaintiff's claims for fraudulent misrepresentation and unjust enrichment but is otherwise denied. GMC Mercantile Corp. (the...

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