Nos. 2008-756, 2009-066, 2009-026.

977 A.2d 1026 (2009)

In re ESTATE OF Kathleen Antonia PORTER. In re Charles Balok and another.

Supreme Court of New Hampshire.

Opinion Issued: August 5, 2009.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

LL Hansen Legal Professional Association, of Portsmouth (Lorraine L. Hansen, on the brief), for Charles Balok.

Law Office of Joshua L. Gordon, of Concord (Joshua L. Gordon, on the brief), for the Estate of Kathleen Porter.


In these consolidated appeals, Charles Balok challenges orders of the Rockingham County Probate Court (Hurd, J.) and the Superior Court (Lewis, J.) relative to a probate court-approved settlement of Balok's claim against the Estate of Kathleen Antonia Porter (estate). He argues that the probate court lacked jurisdiction to terminate a life estate in real property granted to him pursuant to the terms of the settlement, and to issue certain...

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