No. COA18-366.

820 S.E.2d 586 (2018)

In the MATTER OF: I.P. and Q.P., Jr.

Court of Appeals of North Carolina.

Filed: October 2, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

The Graham, Nuckolls, Conner, Law Firm, PLLC, Greenville, by Timothy E. Heinle, for petitioner-appellee Pitt County Department of Social Services.

Assistant Appellate Defender Joyce L. Terres, for respondent-appellant father.

Respondent-appellant father, pro se.

Administrative Office of the Courts, by Guardian Ad Litem Appellate Counsel Matthew D. Wunsche, for guardian ad litem.

Respondent-Father appeals from orders terminating his parental rights to his minor children, I.P. ("Ian") and Q.P., Jr. ("Quentin").1 Respondent-Father's counsel filed a no-merit brief, pursuant to North Carolina Rule of Appellate Procedure 3...

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