No. 1-15-3272.

67 N.E.3d 520 (2016)

2016 IL App (1st) 153272

Jane DOE I, Special Administrator of the Estate of Jane Doe II, Deceased, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. John DOE I, as Parent and Guardian of John Doe II, a Minor; Jane Doe III, as Parent and Guardian of John Doe II, a Minor; John Doe II, a Minor; John Doe III, as Parent and Guardian of Jane Doe IV, a Minor; Jane Doe V, as Parent and Guardian of Jane Doe IV, a Minor; and Jane Doe IV, a Minor, Defendants-Appellees.

Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, Sixth Division.

November 10, 2016.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Brion W. Doherty , of Motherway & Napleton, of Chicago, for appellant.

Barry W. Whalen , of Tomassi & Whalen, of Chicago, for appellees John Doe III, Jane Doe IV, and Jane Doe V.

Michael Resis , Glen E. Amundsen , and Joseph P. Carlasare , of SmithAmundsen, LLC, of Chicago, for other appellees.


¶ 1 The plaintiff, Jane Doe I, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Jane Doe II, deceased, appeals from orders of the trial court: dismissing all six counts of her complaint predicated upon the alleged negligence of the defendants resulting in...

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