
820 S.E.2d 716 (2018)

In the MATTER OF Richard Allen HUNT.

Supreme Court of Georgia.

Decided: October 22, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jenny K. Mittelman, Paula J. Frederick, General Counsel, STATE BAR OF GEORGIA, 104 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 100, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, for Appellant.

Stephen Michael Friedberg, STEPHEN M. FRIEDBERG, ATTY AT LAW, LLC, 945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2250, ATLANTA, Georgia 30326, for Appellee.

Herman Maddox Kilgore, KILGORE & RODRIGUEZ LLC, 36 Ayers Avenue, Marietta, Georgia 30060, Adam Marshall Hames, THE HAMES LAW FIRM, LLC, 511 East Paces Ferry Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, for Other Party.

Richard Allen Hunt (State Bar No. 378650) was admitted to practice law in 1973 and has been sanctioned for disciplinary violations five times. After an October 2015 hearing, a judge reported Hunt to the State Bar for alleged ethical violations. In October 2016, the Investigative Panel of the State Disciplinary Board issued a Notice of Finding...

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