A18A1360 A18A1361.

820 S.E.2d 209 (2018)

PHAM v. BLACK. Black v. Trinh et al.

Court of Appeals of Georgia.

October 10, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Michael Scott Bailey, Randolph Page Powell Jr., Bailey Blair Sabulis, Arthur James Cheek, for Appellant in A18A1360 and Appellee in A18A1361.

LaTisha Dear Jackson, Thomas G. Sampson, Thomas Gatewood Sampson II, Atlanta, for Appellee in A18A1360 and Appellant in A18A1361.

Shermela Williams, for Appellant.

Hunter S. Allen Jr., Joscelyn Marie Hughes, Xiaolin Layne Zhou, Margaret Alison Dobes, Robert P. Monyak, Austin Thomas Ellis, Michael Taylor Sumner, Wade K. Copeland, Stephanie Bowers Vari, Atlanta, for Appellee.

Following the death of Jonathan Black ("the decedent"), his sister and administratrix of his estate, Nicolette Black, sued Drs. Hai Hong Trinh, James S. Abraham, Lily Lan-Nhu Huyen Pham, Newton Medical Center ("NMC"), and others, alleging, inter alia, that the individual doctors committed...

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