
820 S.E.2d 33 (2018)


Supreme Court of Georgia.

Decided: October 9, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Thomas Michael Martin, THE MARTIN LAW FIRM, LLC, 195 N. Jeff Davis Drive, Fayetteville, Georgia 30214, for Appellant.

Patricia B. Attaway Burton, Deputy Attorney General, Paula Khristian Smith, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Christopher M. Carr, Attorney General, Vanessa Therese Meyerhoefer, Assistant Attorney General, DEPARTMENT OF LAW, 40 Capitol Square, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30334, Paul L. Howard, Jr., District Attorney, Kevin Christopher Armstrong, Lyndsey Hurst Rudder, Deputy D.A., FULTON COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, 136 Pryor Street, S.W., 4th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30303,

Appellant Richard McWilliams seeks review of his convictions related to the beating death of his girlfriend Kathleen Baxter.1 For the reasons set forth below, we affirm appellant's convictions.

1. The evidence construed in a light most favorable to upholding the jury's verdicts shows as follows...

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