
820 S.E.2d 155 (2018)


Court of Appeals of Georgia.

October 4, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Ashleigh Ruth Madison, William Jarrell Degenhart, Savannah, Robert Bartley Turner, for Appellant.

Tracy Ann O'Connell, Savannah, Melissa Lottie Bailey, Atlanta, Vera Sharon Edenfield, Frederick M. Valz III, for Appellees.

Linda Barnes, as Co-Guardian of Dakota Mae Joyner, appeals the trial court's denial of a Motion to Intervene/Motion to Set Aside, and to Reconsider and/or Vacate Order Approving Settlement in an action filed by Carol and Tina Joyner (the "Joyners") in Effingham County (the "Effingham County Action"). We affirm for the reasons set...

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