A17A1413, A17A1414.

812 S.E.2d 363 (2018)

HUGHES v. The STATE. Harris v. The State.

Court of Appeals of Georgia.

March 12, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Juwayn Nadim Haddad, Decatur, for Appellant in A17A1413.

Daniel J. Porter, Lawrenceville, Lee Franklin Tittsworth, for Appellee in A17A1413 and A17A1414.

Angela Brown Dillon, for Appellant in A17A1414.

Christian Hughes and Blaise Harris were indicted and tried jointly1 on two counts of armed robbery and three counts of aggravated assault stemming from a late-evening robbery of a pizzeria. They now appeal from their convictions and the denial of their motions...

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