No. 1:17 CV 350 MOC WCM.

MARY MARTIN, Plaintiff, v. NAKISHA GARRETT, in her individual capacity as employee of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety; BIANCA HARRIS, in her individual capacity as warden of North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women; MS. THOMPKINS, in her individual capacity as an employee of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety; WALLY WAZAN, in his individual capacity as employee of the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Defendants.

United States District Court, W.D. North Carolina, Asheville Division.

April 22, 2021.


This matter is before the Court on a Motion to Withdraw (the "Motion," Doc. 95), by which counsel of record for Defendant Mahogani Thompkins ("Thompkins") request leave to terminate their representation of Thompkins in response to her alleged failure to maintain contact with counsel and cooperate...

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