No. 8:17CV208.

THE MAIDS INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nebraska corporation; Plaintiff, v. MAIDS ON CALL, LLC, a Connecticut limited liability company; MAIDS ON CALL II, LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company; TIMOTHY SCUSSEL, an individual; MARYANNE SCUSSEL, an individual; SARA ROCK, an individual; STACEY SCUSSEL, an individual; and S.A.G. MANAGEMENT, INC., Defendants.

United States District Court, D. Nebraska.

September 25, 2017.

Editors Note
Applicable Law: 15 U.S.C. § 44
Cause: 15 U.S.C. § 44 Trademark Infringement
Nature of Suit: 840 Trademark
Source: PACER

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

The Maids International, Inc ., Plaintiff, represented by Craig P. Miller, GRAY, PLANT LAW FIRM, pro hac vice.

The Maids International, Inc ., Plaintiff, represented by Daniel J. Fischer, KOLEY, JESSEN LAW FIRM & Raymond J. Konz, GRAY, PLANT LAW FIRM, pro hac vice.

Maids on Call, LLC, Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.

Maids on Call II, LLC, Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.

Timothy Scussel, Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.

Maryanne Scussel, Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.

Sara Rock, Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.

Stacey Scussel, Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.

S.A.G. Management, Inc., Defendant, represented by Eric D. Mason, GAUNTLETT & ASSOCIATES.


This matter is before the Court on the Motion for Preliminary Injunction, ECF No. 21, filed by Plaintiff, The Maids International, Inc. (TMI). Plaintiffs have not sought a temporary restraining order in conjunction with the Motion for Preliminary Injunction. For the reasons stated...

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