C/A No. 1:16-2311-BHH-SVH.

Shawn Michael Robinson, Plaintiff, v. Holly Scaturo, Director; Ms. Kimberly Poholchuk, B.M.C. Program Director; Ms. Cynthia Helff, B.M.C.; Dr. Kelly Gothard, Psychologist; Dr. Gordon E. Brown, Chief Psychologist; Dr. Rozanna Tross, Psychologist; Dr. Amy Swan, Psychiatrist; Ms. Marie Gehle, Evaluator; Dr. Donna Schwartz-Watts, Psychologist; Capt. Frank Abney, P.S.O. Supervisor; Mr. Galen Sanders, Chief Nursing Administrator; Mr. Harold Alexander, R.N.; Ms. Charlene Hickman, R.N.; Dr. John McGill, Director of Department of Mental Health; and Mr. Allen Wilson, Attorney General, Defendants.

United States District Court, D. South Carolina.

June 5, 2017.

Editors Note
Applicable Law: 42 U.S.C. § 1983pr
Cause: 42 U.S.C. § 1983pr (Other)
Nature of Suit: 560 Prisoner Petitions: Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement
Source: PACER

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Shawn M. Robinson, Plaintiff, Pro Se.

Holly Scaturo, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Holly Scaturo, Director, Defendant, represented by Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Ms. Kimberly Poholchuk, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Ms. Cynthia Helff, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Dr. Kelly Gothard, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Dr. Gordon E. Brown, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Dr. Rozanna Tross, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Dr. Amy Swan, Defendant, represented by Jack Gordon Gresh , Hall Booth Smith and Slover.

Ms. Marie Gehle, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Dr. Donna Schwart-Watts, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Capt. Frank Abney, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Mr. Galen Sanders, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Mr. Harold Alexander, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Dr. John McGill, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.

Mr. Allen Wilson, Defendant, represented by Charles Albert Kinney, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley & Daniel R. Settana, Jr. , McKay Cauthen Settana and Stubley.


Shawn Michael Robinson ("Plaintiff"), proceeding pro se and in forma pauperis, is involuntarily committed to the custody of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health ("SCDMH") under the provisions of the Sexually Violent Predator Act, S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48-10, et...

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