No. 4:14CV3142.

JOHN MAXWELL MONTIN, Plaintiff, v. Y. SCOTT MOORE, et al., Defendants.

United States District Court, D. Nebraska.

December 10, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

John Maxwell Montin, Plaintiff, represented by Michael D. Gooch , MICHAEL GOOCH.

Y. Scott Moore, MD, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Mary Paine, PH.D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & William M. Lamson, Jr. , LAMSON, DUGAN LAW FIRM.

Lisa Woodward, PH.D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Ann Evelyn, MD, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & William M. Lamson, Jr. , LAMSON, DUGAN LAW FIRM.

Dinesh Karumanchi, MD, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Rajeev Chaturvedi, MD, Defendant, represented by Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Joanne Murney, PH.D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Sherri Browning, PH.D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Lorrene Jurgens, Nurse Practitioner, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Mindy Abel, Psy D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Corrine McCoy, Program Manager, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Jennifer Cimpl, Psy.D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & William M. Lamson, Jr. , LAMSON, DUGAN LAW FIRM.

Shannon Black, Psy.D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Zakaria Siddiqui, MD, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Kathleen Barrett, Psy D, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & William M. Lamson, Jr. , LAMSON, DUGAN LAW FIRM.

Klaus Hartmann, MD, Defendant, represented by Bijan Koohmaraie , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Blake E. Johnson , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, David A. Lopez , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE & Stephanie A. Caldwell , ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE.


This matter is before the Court on plaintiff's motion to extend time to reply to Filing No. 77 and Filing No. 79 (Filing No. 86). The Court, noting defendants have no objection, finds the motion should be granted. Accordingly...

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