Case No. 1:15 CV 1434.

Kevin Schartel, Plaintiff, v. OneSource Technology, LLC, Defendant.

United States District Court, N.D. Ohio, Eastern Division.

November 17, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Kevin Schartel, Plaintiff, represented by E. Michelle Drake, Nichols Kaster, Joseph C. Hashmall, Nichols Kaster, Beau D. Hollowell, Law Office of Daniel R. Karon & Daniel R. Karon, Law Office of Daniel R. Karon.

One Source Technology, LLC, Defendant, represented by Jennifer A. Riley, Seyfarth Shaw, John W. Drury, Seyfarth Shaw, Pamela Q. Devata, Seyfarth Shaw & Donald C. Bulea, Giffen & Kaminski.

Memorandum of Opinion and Order


This mater is before the Court upon Defendant OneSource Technology LLC dba Asurint's Motion to Stay Proceedings (Doc. 22). This case arises under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. For the reasons that follow...

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