COLLEEN GALLAGHER, et al., Plaintiffs,
BAYER AG, et al., Defendants.
United States District Court, N.D. California.
March 10, 2015.
March 10, 2015.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Colleen Gallagher, Plaintiff, represented by Laurence D. King, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, Amanda Marie Howell, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Lauren I Dubick, Kaplan Fox Kilsheimer LLP, Linda M. Fong, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, Robert N. Kaplan, Kaplan Kilsheimer & Fox LLP & Stephen Henry Gardner, Stanley Law Group.
Ilana Farar, Plaintiff, represented by Laurence D. King, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, Amanda Marie Howell, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Lauren I Dubick, Kaplan Fox Kilsheimer LLP, Linda M. Fong, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, Robert N. Kaplan, Kaplan Kilsheimer & Fox LLP & Stephen Henry Gardner, Stanley Law Group.
Andrea Lopez, Plaintiff, represented by Laurence D. King, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP.
Joann Cordaro, Plaintiff, represented by Laurence D. King, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP.
Rosanne Cosgrove, Plaintiff, represented by Laurence D. King, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP.
Bayer AG, Defendant, represented by Ryan M. Sandrock, Sidley Austin, LLP, Cara Rafaela Viglucci Lopez, Sidley Austin LLP, Eugene A Schoon, Sidley Austin LLP, Jonathan Fredrick Cohn, Sidley Austin LLP & Paul Joseph Ray, Sidley Austin LLP.
Bayer Corporation, Defendant, represented by Ryan M. Sandrock, Sidley Austin, LLP, Cara Rafaela Viglucci Lopez, Sidley Austin LLP, Eugene A Schoon, Sidley Austin LLP, Jonathan Fredrick Cohn, Sidley Austin LLP & Paul Joseph Ray, Sidley Austin LLP.
Bayer HealthCare LLC, Defendant, represented by Ryan M. Sandrock, Sidley Austin, LLP, Cara Rafaela Viglucci Lopez, Sidley Austin LLP, Eugene A Schoon, Sidley Austin LLP, Jonathan Fredrick Cohn, Sidley Austin LLP & Paul Joseph Ray, Sidley Austin LLP.
Re: Dkt. No. 39
WILLIAM H. ORRICK, District Judge.
Plaintiffs sue Bayer AG and related entities (Bayer) for violation of various consumer protection statutes under California, Florida, and New York law because Bayer falsely and deceptively misrepresents...
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