United States District Court, D. Maryland.
December 3, 2014.
December 3, 2014.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
First Data Merchant Services Corporation, Plaintiff, represented by Charles Neilson Curlett, Jr, Levin and Curlett LLC, Alexa Ariana Santora, Fox Rothschild LLP, Amy C Purcell, Fox Rothschild LLP, Joshua Horn, Fox Rothschild LLP, Kenneth H Leichter, Fox Rothschild LLP, Michael Lee Eidel, Fox Rothschild LLP, Sarah F Lacey, Levin & Curlett LLC, Steven Hale Levin, Levin and Curlett LLC & Douglas P Hibshman, Fox Rothschild LLP.
First Data Corporation, Plaintiff, represented by Charles Neilson Curlett, Jr, Levin and Curlett LLC, Amy C Purcell, Fox Rothschild LLP, Douglas P Hibshman, Fox Rothschild LLP, Joshua Horn, Fox Rothschild LLP, Kenneth H Leichter, Fox Rothschild LLP, Sarah F Lacey, Levin & Curlett LLC & Steven Hale Levin, Levin and Curlett LLC.
SecurityMetrics, Inc., a Utah corporation, Defendant, represented by Charles James Veverka, Maschoff Brennan, J Stephen Simms, Simms Showers LLP, John Thomas Ward, Simms Showers LLP, Marios John Monopolis, Simms Showers LLP, David R Wright, Maschoff Brennan, L Rex Sears, Maschoff Brennan, PLLC & Sterling A Brennan, Maschoff Brennan.
SecurityMetrics, Inc., a Utah corporation, Counter Claimant, represented by Charles James Veverka, Maschoff Brennan, J Stephen Simms, Simms Showers LLP, John Thomas Ward, Simms Showers LLP, Marios John Monopolis, Simms Showers LLP, David R Wright, Maschoff Brennan, L Rex Sears, Maschoff Brennan, PLLC & Sterling A Brennan, Maschoff Brennan.
First Data Corporation, Counter Defendant, represented by Charles Neilson Curlett, Jr, Levin and Curlett LLC, Amy C Purcell, Fox Rothschild LLP, Douglas P Hibshman, Fox Rothschild LLP, Joshua Horn, Fox Rothschild LLP, Kenneth H Leichter, Fox Rothschild LLP, Sarah F Lacey, Levin & Curlett LLC & Steven Hale Levin, Levin and Curlett LLC.
First Data Merchant Services Corporation, Counter Defendant, represented by Charles Neilson Curlett, Jr, Levin and Curlett LLC, Alexa Ariana Santora, Fox Rothschild LLP, Amy C Purcell, Fox Rothschild LLP, Joshua Horn, Fox Rothschild LLP, Kenneth H Leichter, Fox Rothschild LLP, Michael Lee Eidel, Fox Rothschild LLP, Sarah F Lacey, Levin & Curlett LLC, Steven Hale Levin, Levin and Curlett LLC & Douglas P Hibshman, Fox Rothschild LLP.
United States District Court, D. Maryland.
RICHARD D. BENNETT, District Judge.
This origins of this contentious case lie in a soured business relationship and the settlement of earlier litigation in the United States District Court for the District of Utah. In this action, Plaintiffs First Data Merchant Services Corporation ("FDMS") and First Data Corporation ("FDC") (collectively "First Data") assert claims against Defendant SecurityMetrics, Inc. ("SecurityMetrics...
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