JENNIFER KASILAG, et al., Plaintiffs,
United States District Court, D. New Jersey, Camden Vicinage.
December 17, 2012.
December 17, 2012.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Arnold Carl Lakind, Esq., Robert Lawrence Lakind, Esq., Szaferman, Lakind, Blumstein, Blader & Lehmann, PC, Quakerbridge Executive Center, 101 Grovers Mill Road, Suite 200, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648,
Danielle Disporto, Esq., Levy, Philips & Konigsberg, LLP, 800 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Counsel for Plaintiffs.
Gregory Robert Haworth, Esq., Duane Morris, LLP, One Riverfront Plaza, 1037 Raymond Boulevard, Suite 1800, Newark, NJ 07102,
Anthony Sylvester, Esq., Anthony C. Valenziano, Esq., Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti, LLP, One Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07962, Counsel for Defendant.
United States District Court, D. New Jersey, Camden Vicinage.
RENÉE MARIE BUMB, District Judge.
The plaintiffs, Jennifer Kasilag, Louis Mellinger, Judith M. Menendez, Jacqueline M. Robinson, and Linda A. Russell ("Plaintiffs"), bring this action on behalf of six mutual funds (the "Funds").1 They are suing Hartford Investment Financial Services, LLC ("HIFSCO"), the investment advisor to the Funds, for charging excessive management and distribution fees in violation of §...
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