Case No. 2:12-cv-01541-JCM-CWH.

WILLIAM WALTERS, an individual, Plaintiff, v. COOPERS PICKS, LLC a Florida limited liability company; MICHAEL COOPER, an individual; RICHART RUDDIE, an individual; RYAN HOLZMAN, an individual; BRAD GREENBERG, an individual; JM PICKS, an entity doing business in New York; JOHN MACK, an individual; RICH GARAFOLA, an individual; GLEN PETRELLI, an individual; SAL DeCARLO, an individual; WILLIAM "BILL" CONTI, an individual; D I GLOBAL MARKETING, LLC a New York limited liability company; DANIAL ITAHOV, an individual; CHRIS HATTON, an individual, Defendants.

United States District Court, D. Nevada.

September 19, 2012.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Mark G. Tratos (Bar No. 1086), [email protected], Donald L. Prunty, Esq. (Bar No. 8230), Laraine M. I. Burrell (Bar No. 8771), [email protected], Moorea Katz (Bar No. 12007), [email protected], GREENBERG TRAURIG, Las Vegas, Nevada, Counsel For Plaintiff, WILLIAM WALTERS.


JAMES C. MAHAN, District Judge.

This matter having come before the Honorable James C. Mahan on September 11, 2012, Mark Tratos, of the law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, appearing on behalf of Plaintiff William Walters ("Walters" or "plaintiff") and no appearance being made on behalf of Defendants Coopers Picks, LLC, Michael Cooper, Richart Ruddie, Ryan Holzman, Brad Greenberg (collectively "Cooper defendants"), JM Picks...

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