Cause No. 4:09-CV-60 JD.

822 F.Supp.2d 848 (2011)

JORDAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC., Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant, v. BRITTANY DYEING & PRINTING CORP., Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff.

United States District Court, N.D. Indiana, Hammond Division at Lafayette.

September 30, 2011.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

James F. Olds, John M. Stuckey, Stuart & Branigin LLP, Lafayette, IN, for Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant.

Keith A. Kinney, Hill Fulwider McDowell Funk & Matthews PC, Indianapolis, IN, for Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff.

Memorandum Opinion and Order

JON E. DeGUILIO, District Judge.

In its New Bedford, Massachusetts, warehouse, Brittany Dyeing & Printing Corporation is holding nearly 80,000 yards of spun polyester fabric and 166 custommade rotary printing screens that belong to Jordan Manufacturing Company. See DE 27 at 5; DE 33 at 2; DE 1 at 8. Brittany ended the two companies' business relationship in mid-2009, but would not return the screens and fabric...

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