No. 22-10297.

MOMS FOR LIBERTY-BREVARD COUNTY, FL, AMY KNEESSY, ASHLEY HALL, KATIE DELANEY, JOSEPH CHOLEWA, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. BREVARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, MISTY HAGGARD-BELFORD, Chair, Brevard County School Board, in her official and individual capacities, MATT SUSIN, Vice Chair, Brevard County School Board, in his official and individual capacities, CHERYL McDOUGALL, Member, Brevard County School Board, in her official and individual capacities, KATYE CAMPBELL, Member, Brevard County School Board, in her official and individual capacities, et al., Defendants-Appellees.

United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit.

November 21, 2022.


Plaintiffs-Appellants Moms for Liberty-Brevard County, FL and four of its members challenged as unconstitutional the Public Participation Policy utilized by Defendants-Appellees Brevard Public Schools and the individual members of its school board. Appellants filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction, which the district...

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