No. 21-16009.

53 F.4th 489 (2022)

Misty Dawn SMARTT, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Kilolo KIJAKAZI, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, Defendant-Appellee.

United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.

FILED November 17, 2022.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Brian Ellexson (argued) and Eric G. Slepian, Slepian Ellexson PLLC, Phoenix, Arizona, for Plaintiff-Appellant.

Asim H. Modi (argued) and Sathya Oum, Special Assistant United States Attorneys; Shea Lita Bond; Peter K. Thompson, Acting Chief Counsel, Region IX, Social Security Administration; Gary M. Restaino, United States Attorney; Office of the United States Attorney, San Francisco, California; for Defendant-Appellee.

Before: Ronald Lee Gilman, Consuelo M. Callahan, and Lawrence VanDyke, Circuit Judges.


Claimant Misty Dawn Smartt, an Arizona woman in her forties, filed an application for Social Security disability insurance benefits and supplemental security income. The agency repeatedly denied Smartt's claims. The district court affirmed the ALJ's decision, concluding...

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