Nos. 17-56006 17-56417 17-56419.

953 F.3d 638 (2020)

TRESÓNA MULTIMEDIA, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, Plaintiff-Appellant/Appellee, v. BURBANK HIGH SCHOOL VOCAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION; Brett Carroll; John Doe Carroll, a married couple; Ellie Stockwell; John Doe Stockwell, a married couple; Marianne Winters; John Doe Winters, a married couple; Geneva Tarandek; John Doe Tarandek, a married couple; Lorna Consoli; John Doe Consoli, a married couple; Charles Rodriguez; John Doe Rodriguez, a married couple, Defendants-Appellees/Appellants.

United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.

Filed March 24, 2020.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Brad A. Denton (argued), Denton Peterson P.C., Mesa, Arizona, for Plaintiff-Appellant/Appellee.

Scott D. Danforth (argued) and Marlon C. Wadlington , Atkinson Andelson Loya Ruud & Romo, Cerritos, California, for Defendants-Appellees/Appellants Brett Carroll and John Doe Carroll.

A. Eric Bjorgum (argued), Marc Karish , and Vincent Pollmeier , Karish & Bjorgum PC, Pasadena, California, for Defendants-Appellees/Appellants Burbank High School Vocal Music Association, Ellie Stockwell, John Doe Stockwell, Marianne Winters, John Doe Winters, Geneva Tarandek, John Doe Tarandek, Lorna Consoli, John Doe Consoli, Charles Rodriguez, and John Doe Rodriguez.

Before: Kim McLane Wardlaw and Andrew D. Hurwitz, Circuit Judges, and Edward R. Korman, District Judge.


In this copyright infringement action against Brett Carroll, the vocal music director at Burbank High School, the Burbank High School Vocal Music Association Boosters Club, and several individual Boosters Club parents, Tresóna Multimedia, LLC claims that...

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