No. 17-2865.

891 F.3d 271 (2018)

NEW WEST, L.P., and New Bluff, L.P., Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. CITY OF JOLIET, ILLINOIS, et al., Defendants-Appellees.

United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.

Decided May 23, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Theodore R. Tetzlaff, Attorney, James D. Benak, Attorney, Paul H. Deese, Attorney, Joshua A. Redman, Attorney, Tetzlaff Law Offices, LLC, Suite 3650, 227 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60606 for Plaintiffs-Appellants.

Carl R. Buck, Attorney, Rathbun, Cservenyak & Kozol, 3260 Executive Drive, Joliet, IL 60431-0000 for Defendant-Appellee City of Joliet.

Stephanie Jones, Attorney, Figliulo & Silverman, P.C., Suite 3600, Ten S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603-0000 for Defendants-Appellees Arthur Schultz, both individually and officially as the City Manager of Joliet, Jim Shapard, both individually and officially as the Deputy City Manager of Joliet, John Mezera, both individually and officially as the City Manager of Joliet, Thomas Giarrante.

Before Easterbrook, Sykes, and Barrett, Circuit Judges.

This is the fourth published appellate opinion in a long-running dispute between New West and the City of Joliet. New West filed this suit in March 2005, contending that the City had interfered with the way in which it set rents at the Evergreen Terrace apartment complex under the national government's mark-to-market...

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