CONVERGYS CORPORATION, Petitioner Cross-Respondent,
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD, Respondent Cross-Petitioner.
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit.
August 7, 2017.
August 7, 2017.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Jennifer Rose Asbrock, Esq., Frost Brown Todd, L.L.C., 32nd Floor, 400 W. Market Street, Louisville, KY 40202-3363, Lynda Hill, Frost Brown Todd, L.L.C., Suite 1900, 150 3rd Avenue, S., Nashville, TN 37201, George E. Yund, Esq., Frost Brown Todd, L.L.C., 301 E. 4th Street, Great American Tower Cincinnati, OH 45202, for Petitioner Cross-Respondent.
Linda Dreeben, Esq., Deputy Associate General Counsel, National Labor Relations Board, Appellate & Supreme Court Litigation Branch, Suite 4163, 1015 Half Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20570, Richard F. Griffin, Jr., National Labor Relations Board, Appellate & Supreme Court Litigation Branch, 1015 Half Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20570, Daniel L. Hubbel, Room 8.302, 1222 Spruce Street, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2829, Martha Elaine Kinard, Esq., Director, National Labor Relations Board, Region 16, Room 8A24, 819 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102-6178, Gregoire Sauter, National Labor Relations Board, Appellate & Supreme Court Litigation Branch, 1015 Half Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20570, Kira Dellinger Vol, National Labor Relations Board Appellate & Supreme Court Litigation Branch, Room 4129, 1015 Half Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20570, for Respondent Cross-Petitioner.
Before HIGGINBOTHAM, ELROD, and HIGGINSON, Circuit Judges.
The National Labor Relations Board determined that Convergys violated the National Labor Relations Act both by requiring job applicants to sign a class and collective action waiver and by subsequently seeking to enforce the waiver. Convergys seeks review of the Board's determination, arguing that it conflicts...
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