Nos. 08-16984, 08-16985.

620 F.3d 1219 (2010)

Frances ALDAY; Janice Aleshire; Mark Agraves; Frank Armenta; Milorad Arnokovich; Leonard Becwar; Joan Bernal; Irma Bravo; Jane Bravo; Thurman Brooks; Howard Brownstein; Marlene Burger; James Byrnes, Sr.; David Carless; Joe Carrasco; Lipa Carrasco; Rosemary Cesare; Ernie Corral; Rachel Delacruz; Joan Donnelly; Patrick Eccles; Lucy Esparza; Rebecca Federico; Jerry Fitch; Dickie Flores; Alice Gallardo; Patricia Garcia; Sandra Gary; Richard Gehrke, Sr.; Donald Genung; Ronald Geuder; Kathleen Glaser; George Gonzales; Jeanette Gray; Jose Gutierrez; Jeanne Harris; Robert Harris; Gloria Hernandez; Eloise Herran; Gerald Hotchkiss; Sharon Hudson; John Jackson; Joe Keiflin; Larry Kidney; Clare L'Armee; David Lillie; Leslie Llamas; Eric Martinez; Jimmie Martinez; Maria Martinez; Mary McKenna; Patricia McPheron; Josephine Meadows; Roy Mesa; Bill Meyer; Thomas Miller; Michael Mincheff; Carmen Miranda; Larry Mitchell; Henry Modrzejewski; Lois Moore; Heide Moran; Grace Moreno; Abdo Morgan; Carlos Ochoa; Felicita Ortega; Juan Ortiz; Richard Payne; Larry Pollock; Clifton Price; Jack Quattlebaum; Ignacio Rea; Jack Robinson; Bruce Rogers; Jennie Saenz; Robert Sager; Esperanza Saltzberry; Russell Scira; Jeannie Sides; David Sims; Jerold Small; James Smith, Jr.; Julia Soltero; Michael Sommer; Gina Soto; Donald Spross; Ronald Stallings; Donald Strauss; James Sullivan; Mary Terpening; John Terry; Donald Ulliman; Martha Villa; Steve Vuich; Lawrence Wickersham; Mary Williams; George Zukowski, Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. RAYTHEON COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, Defendant-Appellant. Mark Agraves; Ronald Geuder; Clare L'Armee; David Lillie, Plaintiffs-Appellants, and Frances Alday; Janice Aleshire; Frank Armenta; Milorad Arnokovich; Leonard Becwar; Joan Bernal; Irma Bravo; Jane Bravo; Thurman Brooks; Howard Brownstein; Marlene Burger; James Byrnes, Sr.; David Carless; Joe Carrasco; Lipa Carrasco; Rosemary Cesare; Ernie Corral; Rachel Delacruz; Joan Donnelly; Patrick Eccles; Lucy Esparza; Rebecca Federico; Jerry Fitch; Dickie Flores; Alice Gallardo; Patricia Garcia; Sandra Gary; Richard Gehrke, Sr.; Donald Genung; Kathleen Glaser; George Gonzales; Jeanette Gray; Jose Gutierrez; Jeanne Harris; Robert Harris; Gloria Hernandez; Eloise Herran; Gerald Hotchkiss; Sharon Hudson; John Jackson; Joe Keiflin; Larry Kidney; Leslie Llamas; Eric Martinez; Jimmie Martinez; Maria Martinez; Mary McKenna; Patricia McPheron; Josephine Meadows; Roy Mesa; Bill Meyer; Thomas Miller; Michael Mincheff; Carmen Miranda; Larry Mitchell; Henry Modrzejewski; Lois Moore; Heide Moran; Grace Moreno; Abdo Morgan; Carlos Ochoa; Felicita Ortega; Juan Ortiz; Richard Payne; Larry Pollock; Clifton Price; Jack Quattlebaum; Ignacio Rea; Jack Robinson; Bruce Rogers; Jennie Saenz; Robert Sager; Esperanza Saltzberry; Russell Scira; Jeannie Sides; David Sims; Jerold Small; James Smith, Jr.; Julia Soltero; Michael Sommer; Gina Soto; Donald Spross; Ronald Stallings; Donald Strauss; James Sullivan; Mary Terpening; John Terry; Donald Ulliman; Martha Villa; Steve Vuich; Lawrence Wickersham; Mary Williams; George Zukowski, Plaintiffs, v. Raytheon Company, a Delaware corporation, Defendant-Appellee.

United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.

Filed September 7, 2010.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Robert Gregory , Mesa, AZ, for the plaintiffs/appellees/appellants.

Christopher Landau , Washington, DC, for the defendant/appellant/appellee.



THOMPSON, Senior Circuit Judge:

The plaintiffs are a class of retirees from Raytheon and its predecessor, Hughes Missile Systems, along with their spouses and eligible dependents. Since 1972, Hughes, and later Raytheon, paid insurance premiums for healthcare coverage for early retirees until age 65 pursuant to a series of collective bargaining agreements ("CBAs") with the plaintiffs' union. In 2004, Raytheon limited its contributions to premiums...

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