Supreme Court of Connecticut.
Argued July 29, 2009.
Decided September 2, 2009.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
William S. Fish, Jr., with whom were William H. Champlin II and, on the brief, Amy E. Drega, Hartford, for the petitioner (intervenor Hartford Courant Company).
Judith Rossi, special assistant state's attorney, with whom were Kevin T. Kane, chief state's attorney, and, on the brief, Michael A. Gailor, executive assistant state's attorney, and Susan C. Marks, supervisory assistant state's attorney, for the respondent (state).
Supreme Court of Connecticut.
Pursuant to General Statutes § 54-47g(d),1 the intervening petitioner, the Hartford Courant Company, filed this petition for review2 of the order of the investigatory grand jury (grand jury) granting in part the motion of the respondent, the state of Connecticut, requesting that the grand jury's final report of finding (final report), which incorporated...
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