No. D067039.

244 Cal.App.4th 1383 (2016)

198 Cal.Rptr.3d 878

In re KEVIN ANDRES on Habeas Corpus.

Court of Appeals of California, Fourth District, Division One.

February 23, 2016.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Randy Mize, Chief Deputy Public Defender, and Robert L. Ford, Deputy Public Defender, for Petitioner Kevin Andres.

Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General, Jennifer A. Neill, Assistant Attorney General, Phillip J. Lindsay and Linnea D. Piazza, Deputy Attorneys General, for Respondent the People.


Respondent Daniel Paramo, warden at Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility (collectively RJDCF), appeals the superior court's order granting petitioner Kevin Andres's petition for writ of habeas corpus (petition). The court found that Andres properly...

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