No. E060421.

239 Cal.App.4th 1173 (2015)

RSL FUNDING, LLC, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. FELICIA ALFORD, Defendant and Respondent; STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY et al., Objectors and Appellants.

Court of Appeals of California, Fourth District, Division Two.

September 10, 2015.

[Modification of opinion (239 Cal.App.4th 741; ___ Cal.Rptr.3d ___), upon denial of rehearing.]

THE COURT.—The opinion filed in this matter on August 18, 2015, is modified as follows and the petition for rehearing is DENIED:

On page 3 [239 Cal.App.4th 744, advanced report, 2d full par., line 1], the first full paragraph should read: On July 12, 2013, Alford entered into a second...

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