No. B225685.

202 Cal.App.4th 161 (2011)

PIONEER CONSTRUCTION, INC., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. GLOBAL INVESTMENT CORP. et al., Defendants and Respondents.

Court of Appeals of California, Second District, Division One.

As modified January 13, 2012.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Hunt Ortmann Palffy Nieves Lubka Darling & Mah, John Darling, Dale A. Ortmann, Carlo Paciulli and Marian K. Selvaggio for Plaintiff and Appellant.

Halavais & Associates, Coby R. Halavais and Thomas G. Kemerer for Defendants and Respondents.



Pioneer Construction, Inc. (Pioneer), appeals from a judgment entered for defendants Global Investment Corp. (Global) and Su-Chin Chen Tsou (Tsou) in Pioneer's action for foreclosure of mechanic's liens recorded against property owned by a debtor in bankruptcy, Oakridge Homes LLC (Oakridge). Global and Tsou purchased Oakridge's property at a trustee's sale held after relief from the automatic stay was obtained in...

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