No. D054136.

178 Cal.App.4th 1488 (2009)

TAMMY KING, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. BARBARA JOHNSTON, Defendant and Respondent.

Court of Appeals of California, Fourth District, Division One.

November 9, 2009.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Glenn, Wright, Jacobs & Schell and Ralph E. Hughes for Plaintiff and Appellant.

Law Offices of William F. Roche and William F. Roche for Defendant and Respondent.





Plaintiff Tammy King appeals from a judgment entered in favor of defendant Barbara Johnston. Tammy,1 a beneficiary of the Arthur L. Gilbert Testamentary Trust, sued Barbara in a civil action, alleging that Barbara had unduly influenced the trustee, Lenora Gilbert, to breach the trust.2 According to Tammy, Barbara induced Lenora...

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