No. 20-8017.

624 B.R. 606 (2021)

IN RE: MURRAY ENERGY HOLDINGS CO., Debtor. Consol Energy, Inc., Appellant, v. Murray Energy Holdings Co., Official Committee of Retirees, United Mine Workers of America 1992 Benefit Plan, Ad Hoc Group of Superpriority Lenders, and Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Appellees.

United States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Sixth Circuit.

Decided and Filed: February 1, 2021.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

COUNSEL ON BRIEFS: Catherine Steege, Melissa Root, JENNER BLOCK LLP, Chicago, Illinois, for Appellant. Kim Martin Lewis, Alexandra S. Horwitz, DINSMORE & SHOHL LLP, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mark McKane, KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP, New York, New York, Joseph M. Graham, KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP, Chicago, Illinois, for Appellee Murray Energy Holdings Co. Michael Healey, HEALEY BLOCK LLC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Filiberto Agusti, Johanna Dennehy, STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP, Washington, D.C., Michael Vatis, STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP, New York, New York, for Appellees United Mine Workers of America 1992 Benefit Plan and Official Committee of Retirees.

Before: CROOM, DALES, and WISE, Bankruptcy Appellate Panel Judges.


CONSOL Energy, Inc. ("CONSOL") appeals from the bankruptcy court's order and subsequent memorandum opinion approving a settlement under Rule 9019(a)1 between Murray Energy Holdings Co. and its affiliated debtor entities (collectively, "Debtors...

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