Court File No. 16-43707 (WJF) Adv. No. 20-04101.

624 B.R. 861 (2021)

IN RE: Barbara A. WIGLEY, Debtor. Barbara A. Wigley, Plaintiff, v. Lariat Companies, Inc., Defendant.

United States Bankruptcy Court, D. Minnesota.

Signed January 25, 2021.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Mychal A. Bruggeman, Tiede Grabarski PLLC, White Bear Lake, MN, John D. Lamey, III, Lamey Law Firm, P.A., Lamey Law Firm PA, Oakdale, MN, for Debtor.


The above-entitled adversary proceeding was commenced on July 28, 2020. Plaintiff Barbara A. Wigley ("Ms. Wigley") sought: (1) to enjoin collection efforts by Defendant Lariat Companies, Inc. ("Lariat"); (2) declaratory relief regarding interpretation...

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