Case No. 20-02423-dd.

624 B.R. 147 (2020)

IN RE, Patrick Michael JORDAN and Madonna Carey Jordan, Debtors.

United States Bankruptcy Court, D. South Carolina.

Signed December 15, 2020.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Michael Conrady, Campbell Law Firm, PA, Kevin Campbell, Mount Pleasant, SC, for Debtors.

Christine E. Brimm, Barton Brimm, PA, Myrtle Beach, SC, for Trustee.


This matter is before the Court on an objection to exemption filed by chapter 7 trustee Michelle L. Vieira on September 21, 2020. The debtors Patrick Michael Jordan and Madonna Carey Jordan filed a response on October 19, 2020. The Court held a hearing on November...

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