Case Nos: 16-32202, 16-03272, 16-32204, 16-32205, 16-32206, 16-32207, 16-32208, 16-32209.

624 B.R. 178 (2020)

IN RE: ULTRA PETROLEUM CORP., et al. Ultra Resources, Inc. Ultra Wyoming, Inc. Ultra Wyoming LGS, LLC UP Energy Corporation UPL Pinedale, LLC UPL Three Rivers Holdings, LLC, Debtors.

United States Bankruptcy Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division.

Signed October 26, 2020.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Paul D. Clement, George W. Hicks, Michael A. Petrino, C. Harker Rhodes, IV, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington, DC, Matthew C. Fagen, Christopher T. Greco, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, New York, NY, Gregory F. Pesce, David R. Seligman, Kirkland and Ellis LLP, Chicago, IL, Joseph G. Thompson, III, Porter Hedges LLP, Matthew D. Cavenaugh, Jackson Walker LLP, T. Brooke Farnsworth, Farnsworth & vonBerg, Houston, TX, for Debtors.


The Court answers two questions:

• Does the Bankruptcy Code disallow a contractual claim for "make-whole" liquidated damages when an interest-bearing obligation is prepaid? • Does the Bankruptcy Code permit a solvent...

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