Warren LESTER, et al.
EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION, Intracoastal Tubular Services, Inc., et al.
Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fifth Circuit.https://leagle.com/images/logo.png
May 31, 2012.
May 31, 2012.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Frank M. Buck, Jr., Attorney at Law, New Orleans, LA, Jeremiah A. Sprague, Timothy J. Falcon, Attorneys at Law, Marrero, LA, for Plaintiffs/Appellants Richard Meerman, et al.
Glen M. Pilié, Charles F. Gay, Jr., Martin A. Stern, Raymond P. Ward, Christine S. Fortunate, Attorneys at Law, New Orleans, LA, Louis C. Woolf, Howard E. Jarvis, Attorneys at Law, Knoxville, TN, for Defendant/Appellee, Exxon Mobil Corporation.
Panel composed of Judges SUSAN M. CHEHARDY, JUDE G. GRAVOIS, and MARC E. JOHNSON.
Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fifth Circuit.
This appeal involves sixteen plaintiffs1 who sued various defendants seeking recovery of damages for personal injuries allegedly suffered as a result of exposure to naturally occurring radioactive material ("NORM")2 while cleaning pipe and tubing belonging to Exxon Mobil Corp. (Exxon Mobil) at the Intracoastal Tubular Services, Inc. (ITCO...
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