No. 34PA14-2.

820 S.E.2d 815 (2018)

STATE of North Carolina v. George Lee NOBLES.

Supreme Court of North Carolina.

December 5, 2018.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Anne M. Gomez, Assistant Appellate Defender, for Nobles, George Lee.

Kathleen N. Bolton, Assistant Attorney General, Michael Bonfoey, District Attorney, for State of N.C.


The following order has been entered on the motion filed on the 20th of August 2018 by State of NC to Dismiss Appeal:

"Motion Allowed by order of the Court in conference, this the 5th of December 2018."

Upon consideration of the conditional petition filed on the 20th of August 2018 by State of NC in this matter for discretionary review of the decision of the North Carolina...

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