WD 83678.

622 S.W.3d 752 (2021)

Senta A. COLBERT, Appellant, v. Bernard Marcus WESLEY, Respondent.

Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District.

Order filed: May 25, 2021.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Howard L. Lotven, Kansas City, for Appellant.

Bernard Marcus Wesley, Respondent Pro-se.

Division One: Anthony Rex Gabbert, Presiding Judge, Edward R. Ardini, Jr., Judge and Thomas N. Chapman, Judge


Senta Colbert appeals from the dismissal of her petition for an adult order of protection entered by the Circuit Court of Jackson County. She claims that the trial court violated the Code of Judicial Conduct and the rules of evidence resulting in the denial of her right to a fair trial. We affirm. Because...

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