No. ED 109072.

622 S.W.3d 223 (2021)


Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District, Division One.

Filed: May 18, 2021.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

David B. Washington, Appellant Acting Pro Se.

Paul Gantner, 10733 Sunset Office Dr. Ste. 425, St. Louis, MO 63127, For Respondent Richardson.

Before Colleen Dolan, P.J., Robert M. Clayton III, J., and Kelly C. Broniec, J.


David B. Washington appeals the judgment awarding him less than his requested compensation for his guardian and conservator services. We affirm.

An opinion would have no precedential value nor serve any jurisprudential purpose. The parties have been furnished with a memorandum for their information only, setting forth...

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