Civil Action No. H-17-2680.

356 F.Supp.3d 640 (2018)

SIX DIMENSIONS, INC., Plaintiff, v. PERFICIENT, INC., and Lynn M. Brading, Defendants.

United States District Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division.

Entered December 28, 2018.

Order Denying Reconsideration January 15, 2019.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

John Peter Bostany, The Bostany Law Firm PLLC, New York, NY, for Plaintiff.

Christopher Michael Sanders, David Peter Frenzia, Adam David Hirtz, Jackson Lewis P.C., St. Louis, MO, Patrick S Richter, Jackson Lewis PC, Austin, TX, Robert D. Shank, Ryan Michael Martin, Jackson, Lewis P.C., Cincinnati, OH, for Defendants.


Pending before the Court are Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum of Law in Support (Document No. 102) and Plaintiffs Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Document No. 104). Having considered the motions, submissions...

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