No. 26277-4-III.

187 P.3d 272 (2008)

Mary Ann COFFEY and Jack McGillis, wife and husband, Gregory Fink and Sue Fink, husband and wife, Theodore Duncan and Lois Duncan, husband and wife, Val Jensen and Mary Ellen Jensen, husband and wife, Richard Knipe and claire knipe, husband and wife, Gerald Stalder and Peggy Stalder, husband and wife, David Dayton and Carol Dayton, husband and wife, and John Thorsnes and Narici Thorsnes, husband and wife, Appellants, Arnold J. Ewoniuk and Karen A. Ewoniuk, husband and wife, William Henry and Virginia Henry, husband and wife, Kathy Small, an individual, Marianna Grabhorn, an individual, Michael Parenteau and Donna Parenteau, husband and wife, Nancy Ramstedt, an individual, Tracy Schwarz and Stacy Schwarz, husband and wife, Peter Brooks, an individual, Allen Sievertsen and Pam Sievertsen, husband and wife, Appellants, Arnold J. Ewoniuk and Karen A. Ewoniuk, husband and wife, William Henry and Virginia Henry, husband and wife, Kathy Small, an individual, Marianna Grabhorn, an individual, Michael Parenteau and Donna Parenteau, husband and wife, Nancy Ramstedt, an individual, Tracy Schwarz and Stacy Schwarz, husband and wife, Peter Brooks, an individual, Allen Sievertsen and Pam Sievertsen, husband and wife, William Leath, Jr. and Marsha Leath, husband and wife, Mildred West, an individual, D. Michael Jones and Linda Jones, husband and wife, Petitioners, v. CITY OF WALLA WALLA, 9th Street Properties, LLC, by and through Henderson V. Orchard, JDT Ranches, and Tom Donovan, Respondents.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 3.

June 26, 2008.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

James K. Hayner, Attorney at Law, Brandon L. Johnson, Minnick Hayner, P.S., Walla Walla, WA, for Appellant.

Timothy J. Donaldson, Walla Walla City Attorney, Janelle Carman, Carman Law Office, Walla Walla, WA, Glenn Jay Amster, Lane Powell PC, Seattle, WA, for Respondent.


¶ 1 Appellants asked the Walla Walla Superior Court, through a land use petition act (LUPA), chapter 36.70C RCW, filing, to overturn a Walla Walla City Council decision to amend the city's comprehensive plan governing the property at issue here. We conclude that the superior court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the amendment to the comprehensive plan. The proper method to challenge the decision was...

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